Our TeenLeader program exists to offer multiple ways to further connect with those teens that we mentor/disciple. Since 2001, we have learned that teenagers growing up in these communities face unique and dangerous circumstances. We have learned through other "Best Practices" such as Urban Promise in Camden, NJ and Homeboy Industries in East Los Angeles, that teens need a variety of genuine, caring and consistent programs to plug into.
We know that the development of relationships with teenagers is crucial and that such relationships happen over time and in a variety of applications.
Summer Jobs:
We interview, hire, train and work with more than 30 teenagers during the summer in our Summer Bible Camps. the TeenLeaders earn a stipend and are involved in training and social functions apart from Summer Bible Camp activities. This fosters a sense of camaraderie with our staff, college interns and each other.
Candle Factory:
We interview, hire, train and work with at least 10 teenagers that help us make, package and distribute our "Lights of Love" Candles. This factory allows the teenagers to be part of an entrepreneur effort that teaches, first hand, the basics of business. The teenagers are paid a stipend and earn points towards the annual Mission trip to Juarez, Mexico.
Teen Night:
During the school year we host Teen Night. This idea evolved following a double homicide behind our ministry in 2016. We held the traditional candlelight vigil inside our building due to weather and the Lord gave this idea to our staff to make this a weekly event. We host an average of 50-60 participants and cover relative topics using both large and small group discussions.
If you have any questions or would like to sponsor a meal for our teens at Teen Night, please email Dolores at dolores@lightofthevillage.org.